Friday, June 20, 2008

Finally...another post.


I finally made some time to update this blog, and I can't even begin to start. Japan is incredible. Everything about the place, the people, it's different. I guess I'll start where I left off...the airport. Our flight was delayed about 2 hours because of a fuel big deal right? the ride over was extremely long...10 and half hours of...nothing. I think i listened to every song on my iPod; but it did get me a chance to catch up on some much needed Japanese studying. I'm the only one on the trip that speaks a word of Japanese, although everyone on the team is doing their best to communicate with their host families. I'm amazed at how kind everyone is to us; we are quite the spectactle when we all go somewhere as a group-all wearing our bright red polo shirts and being louder than we probably should be (japanese people are very quiet and reserved-we're just american...).

We got off the plane and immediatley encountered communication problems. I think I gained some brownie points with the coaches right away as I helped us figure out how to figure out our connecting flight because we were so late getting in. We flew into Nagoya and right as we got off the plane, you realize how horrible humid it is in Japan...mutsuastsui is the word for humid. It'd hard to get used to, but it's the rain that is driving us all mad. There are 5 seasons in Japan: summer, fall, winter, spring, rainy. We just so happen to be in the thick of the rainy season. We finally figured out how to get to Fukuoka, where we are now and will be staying until wednesday, when we will take the bullet train to Osaka, which is on the main island of Honshu.

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